HCP Chargeback Collector (|release|) ==================================== Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) allows to generate chargeback reports from either the HCP System Management Console or through the Management API (MAPI). A chargeback report contains current and historical storage usage statistics for HCP tenants and their namespaces. For each chargeback report, you specify the start and end dates of the report period, which is the time period that’s covered by the report, and select the reporting interval, which determines whether HCP generates hourly, daily, or total storage usage statistics for the specified report period. **Whereas the System Management Console allows for chargeback reports to be generated for the past 30 days, this tool can go back up to 180 day, and it stores the reports locally to allow for investigation over the HCPs lifetime, given that the reports have been collected on a regular basis.** Chargeback reports are a good source of information for system analysis, enabling you to adjust storage and bandwidth allocations based on usage patterns. These reports can also serve as input to billing systems that need to determine charges for capacity and bandwidth usage at the tenant or namespace level. Chargeback reports cover only HCP tenants and their namespaces. They do not include the default tenant or its namespace. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 15_installation 20_usage 30_config 40_output 50_charts 97_changelog 98_license 99_about .. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`